Learning how to write Novel writing tips Story Development Writing advice Writing craft

How to write a novel using the Save the Cat! method

The name of this writing method is certainly both intriguing and memorable. We delve into what this method entails

Novel writing tips Writing Process

Finding your writing voice 5 points to consider

What sets you apart from other writers? How do you stand out from the crowd? The answer lies in finding your unique writing voice. In this blog two guest writers give their take on how to find and hone your voice.

Novel writing tips Now Novel

Tips when writing a book: Top 10 from Now Novel’s webinars

Many tips to remember to when writing a book are shared in writing seminars, interviews, critique circles and webinars around the world. Here are ten curated from Now Novel’s monthly writing webinars where authors from 5 continents come together to discuss writing craft:

Novel writing tips Writing Process

Write with purpose: 7 ways to keep drafts focused

As in memorable music where each note feels carefully considered, many great books have a strong sense of underlying purpose. How do you write with purpose and direction? Here are 7 ways to keep drafts focused:

Novel writing tips

Your writing process: 7 habits for success

The writing process is often spoken about in near-mystical terms. Sit in the right chair, at the right desk. Burn some sage. Turn around three times before you sit down to write. Yet anyone can build a successful writing process. Here are 7 key habits to reach your writing resolutions:

Novel writing tips

How to write a bestseller: 747 No. 1 novels

Learning how to write a bestseller isn’t as simple as making sure your book ticks a few boxes. Factors influencing sales (such as marketing and readership trends) count. We analysed 747 #1 bestsellers from 1950 to share some insights into the anatomy of bestselling novels:

Modern-day novel writing Novel writing tips Now Novel

Help with writing: 6 tips for getting critiques

There are many options for getting help with writing online. Here are 6 tips to get the maximum benefit from writing critiques:

Novel writing tips

What are loglines? 6 tips to write strong summaries

There are many technical writing terms to learn as you become a writer. A word you might come across from time to time is ‘logline’. What are loglines, why is this type of summary helpful, and how can you write better ones? Read these logline definitions, tips and examples:

Novel writing tips Writing advice

8 writing tips from authors who won the Nobel

Writing tips from authors who won the Nobel (such as Toni Morrison and Gabriel Garcia Marquez) are often worth taking to heart. Read 8 of the best pieces of writing advice from acclaimed authors:

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