Guest authors Life writing

How to publish a memoir: My two best tips

Now Novel co-founder Bridget McNulty’s book, The Grief Handbook: A guide through the worst days of your life is being published internationally (in the UK, US and South Africa) this week. Here are her two best tips on how to publish a memoir:

Romance Writing

How to write romantic novels: 9 bestseller insights

Learning how to write romantic novels requires understanding the key ingredients of a great love story. Read 9 insights from 10 top romance novels that show how to write romance that is marketable and affecting:

Writing mood

Creating the mood of a story: 6 tips for strong atmosphere

How does an author establish mood in a story? The mood of a story develops out of multiple story elements: Setting, description, dialogue, and pacing. Read a definition of mood in literature, then 6 simple tips to craft your own novel’s mood and atmosphere better:

Modern-day novel writing Writing advice Writing Motivation

7 reasons writing a book makes you a champion

Many people talk about wanting to write a book “someday.” Anyone who has written a novel knows the enormous effort involved. Here are seven reasons to persevere:

Dialogue Writing

7 dialogue rules for writing fantastic conversations

Dialogue rules aren’t set in stone but help us create believable characters who have distinct, memorable voices. The best dialogue gives insights into characters and their motivations. Getting dialogue punctuation right is important, as is keeping dialogue entertaining. Here are 7 dialogue rules for writing conversations worthy of eavesdropping:

Modern-day novel writing Novel writing tips Now Novel

Help with writing: 6 tips for getting critiques

There are many options for getting help with writing online. Here are 6 tips to get the maximum benefit from writing critiques:

Story settings

Elements of setting: How to create a vivid world

The elements of setting – time, place, mood, social and cultural context – help to make a novel feel real and alive.  Read more about using the ingredients of setting to make your story more vivid:

Character writing

Writing villain characters who feel human: 7 tips

Fiction is full of villainous characters who readers love to hate (and, sometimes, hate to love). Learning how to write a villain that your readers can understand as a complex human being (as opposed to a cardboard cutout) can give your novel depth. How do you write a villain who feels human; real (though not necessarily sympathetic)? Here are 7 tips:

Character writing

Writing character backstory that feels real: 5 tips

Character backstory – the past events and formative experiences that shape who your characters are – is key to creating characters of breadth and depth. Here are tips to weave backstory into your story believably:

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