Plotting Story Structure

Rising action that grips readers: 10 epic climax tips

How do you create rising action? What is its purpose? How can you make rising events more suspenseful? Dive into dramatic theory and tips to make your rising action riveting.

Plotting Story Development

170 plot development questions (plus worksheet)

Brainstorm plot intrigues with 100 questions for plotting from beginning to end, plus an extra seventy on the seven basic plots in a free worksheet.

Character writing Plotting Story conflict

Plot conflict: Striking true adversity in stories

What is conflict’s role in plot? In a plot, conflict creates untenable situations that make resolution vital. It moves events in a direction. Learn more.

Plotting Story Structure Writing guides

Story plotting and structure: Complete guide

This complete guide to plotting and story structure provides resources for finding plot ideas, developing your plot and more.

Character writing Plotting

Types of stories: 7 story archetypes (and ways to use them)

Types of stories such as the seven story archetypes identified by Christopher Booker provide a starting point for writing something entirely your own.

Plotting Writing Process

How to write a plot outline: 7 plotting techniques

There is no single method for how to outline a story, but these are some ways to make story structure and planning work for you and your writing process.

Plotting Story Development

How to create a plot and guarantee a better story

Acclaimed authors have often said that it’s not plot that matters, but rather story. Yet knowing how to create a plot that uses universal storytelling elements such as action and reaction, incident and coincidence, helps you grab and keep your reader’s attention. Learn how to come up with a plot for a better story:

Plotting Story Structure

How to write a scene: Nailing purpose and structure

Understanding how to keep a scene interesting is a crucial skill for writing a novel or screenplay. Scenes are the basic building blocks of a chapter or act. Read on for tips on how to write a scene, plus analysis of story scene examples:

Plotting Writing Process

How to outline a novel (template plus 7 checks)

Deciding how to outline a novel (or whether to outline at all) is a personal process for each author. This sample book outline plus 7 checks and insights will help you outline with purpose:

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