Character writing Writing description

How to describe a person vividly: 8 ways

Learning how to describe a person so that the reader forms a vivid impression of your characters is essential for writing compelling stories. Read 8 tips for describing characters so they come to life:

Character writing Writing description

Direct vs indirect characterization: How to show and tell

There are two main ways to reveal characters: direct characterization, and indirect characterization. What defines these two characterization types, and what are the strengths and weaknesses of each?

Character writing

Direct characterization: 6 tips for precise description

Introducing and describing characters are key parts of the storytelling process. Read 6 tips for describing characters using direct characterization, with examples:

Character writing

How do you write good character description? 5 techniques

In classic stories, characters often step off the page from their first introduction, fully realized. How do you write good character description that reveals enough to hook readers? Try these 5 techniques:

Character writing

Novel characters: 15 top character creation tips

Great novel characters share common features: Distinct, authentic voices, character development, clear goals and motivations, strengths and flaws. Here are 15 of our top character creation tips gathered from some of the best writing blogs and websites:

Character writing Writing description

How to describe hands: 6 ways to make characters real

Describing hands is useful for showing characters’ psychological traits and personality, age and more. Many amateur writers stop at describing eye colour or how characters say their dialogue. Yet there are many different physical details you can use to show a character’s nature. Read examples that show how to describe hands in such a way that your writing is rich and detailed:

Character writing Writing description

How to describe clothing in a story (with examples)

The clothes a person wears tells us many things: their status in life, for example, or their cultural affiliation or identity. They can tell us what era they live in, and even a person’s current state of mind or intent. Understanding how to describe clothing in a story well will help you create fuller, richer character portraits.

Character writing Writing advice Writing description

Describing characters: How to describe faces imaginatively

Describing characters imaginatively is an essential skill when writing fiction. It helps readers to invest in your characters’ storylines and experiences if they feel real. Read on for five tips for describing characters’ faces:

Character writing

How to write believable characters

Knowing how to write believable characters is vital for any fiction writer. A character that seems like a stock character – the hero, the villain, the orphan, the unwilling savior – can easily become too predictable. So how do you create a great character? There are several ways to make sure that your fictional characters draw readers into your imaginary world:

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